Saturday 4 June 2011

Should Government Monitor Social Networking Sites?


DR ADRIAN BUDIMAN: "The misuse of social networking sites or new media in general is a negative side-effect of progress. We have to see the bigger picture. Social networking sites enable the masses to communicate and have access to information like never before, which can stimulate productivity, creativity and eventually growth for society.
"Monitoring and regulating new media is not the answer. People who intend to use new media irresponsibly will find a way to achieve their goals through other means. It's the normal users who will suffer from the effects of excessive state intervention.
"Social networking sites contain both good and bad information and it's ultimately up to the user to decide which one to believe and form an opinion. Racial and religious insensitivity communicated through social networking sites usually portrays a minority opinion and may not be necessarily true. A good understanding of how new media works and a strong moral education will produce better results than trying to monitor and control technological progress."
DAVID LIAN: "Monitoring is good because it will give the government a clearer picture of the discussions going on online and provide a feedback mechanism for it to better serve the people.
"Many companies already monitor conversations about their brands online and are putting into place programmes to better communicate with these audiences. I think the bigger challenge is how the government can use social networks to add value to the conversation and actively engage people on social networks."

This sources is taken from News Straight Times..

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Watch Your Mouth!!

An issue that is share in the social network can make people quarrel. Everone want win and they will defend their side. They will use "smelly" words and this will leads to virtual FIGHTING....

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Social Networking OR Sexual harassment?

Anyone who is using social sites should be familiar to many people in different ways.  
Given the number of people who come to interact with the marginal social network is increasing,  
and now this phenomenon has spread into working environment. 
 But unfortunately this social network is misused. For example, people who had a really bad attitude, they will bring their behavior into the digital world or the world of social networking such as sexual harassment habit. 
Report from the Pew Center recently claimed that more than 35 percent of consumers in social networking sites are aged 24 and older, and those growing day by day on the network such as Facebook.
  It can be argued or concluded that the ability or probability for sexual harassment in the workplace and even anywhere to spill into this social networking website will be increased. 
Sexual harassment is defined as any sexually oriented behavior and undesirable effects as a disturbance whether verbal, non verbal, visual, psychological orphysical . 
In the world of social networking like Facebook or Tweeter, one can communicate with anyone they want without feeling shy or embarrassed.  
Some people making a false account solely for the purpose of it is immoral.  
With the fake accounts, his or her profile would be unrevealed.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Privacy Issues

Privacy issues often arise when an account 
or social sites invaded by another person without the knowledge of their owners. This incident is likely to occur when the social website owners inadvertently disclose their password used to access the accounts of the social sites to other person. When the password is exposed, the account of that social sites can be accessed by anyone who knows the password.

Other sources said that, hackers also could cause our privacy is preveiled.They can invade to our account by simply using a computer without knowing theusername or password is used. Of course, the hacker is made ​​up of professional people in the computer field. 
So, everyone must take precautions in what we do.


Sunday 22 May 2011

Social NOT-Working.....

Internet users are addicted to social networks
 and spend most of their time in social network to chat, view photos and videos, edit blogs and comment with other users. 
This will lead to TIME WASTING and 
more WORSE
it will cause decrease in the productivity of a company or 
even lower the results of the students.
 That is why some people who realized the challengers of 
social networks describe 
social network as SOCIAL NOT-WORK.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


SOCIAL NETWORK is a medium whereby people can communicate, meet new friends and share their common interest. Surely people will think social network likes facebook, myspace and twitter will only give advantages for them. 

We do not realized that the social network also give disadvantages for us as the network give many conveniences to the users. In fact, there are many challengers of social network. So, here we will highlight the problems faced by the internet users when using social networks.

Lets See What Social Networking is....

[caption...taken from]