Privacy issues often arise when an account
or social sites invaded by another person without the knowledge of their owners. This incident is likely to occur when the social website owners inadvertently disclose their password used to access the accounts of the social sites to other person. When the password is exposed, the account of that social sites can be accessed by anyone who knows the password.
Other sources said that, hackers also could cause our privacy is preveiled.They can invade to our account by simply using a computer without knowing theusername or password is used. Of course, the hacker is made up of professional people in the computer field.
So, everyone must take precautions in what we do.

or social sites invaded by another person without the knowledge of their owners. This incident is likely to occur when the social website owners inadvertently disclose their password used to access the accounts of the social sites to other person. When the password is exposed, the account of that social sites can be accessed by anyone who knows the password.
Other sources said that, hackers also could cause our privacy is preveiled.They can invade to our account by simply using a computer without knowing theusername or password is used. Of course, the hacker is made up of professional people in the computer field.

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